Putting the life back in science fiction

So about the Climate Strikes
September 28, 2019, 3:19 am
Filed under: livable future, Speculation, sustainability | Tags: ,

Note that I’m more a consumer of nonviolent strategies and tactics than a practitioner, at least at this point.  However, I did participate in the climate strike on September 20, and I’m concerned that this movement is not going to work.  This isn’t to discourage the people fighting for action on climate change to stop working.  Rather, it’s to get them to start working much, much smarter.

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Through WW3 to Sustainability (?)
September 27, 2019, 11:54 pm
Filed under: climate change, futurism, nonviolence, Speculation, sustainability, The Internet | Tags: ,

I’ve been a bit busy with environmental stuff, including the climate strike on 9/20.  In honor of that, of the MCAS Miramar Air show that’s rattling my windows this weekend, and this little article from June about how the US military is one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters on the planet, I figured I’d add in one of my normally bleak predictions about the future.

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